Incredibilmente, ma ce l’ho fatta. Sono arrivata all’ultimo giorno della challenge #100HappyDays senza mai mancare un giorno… Questo progettino mi manca già. Era diventato una costante e mi ha davvero reso soddisfatta, ogni giorno trovavo qualcosa per sorridere! Consiglio a tutte di farlo, non ve ne pentirete!

Ecco i miei ultimi 20 giorni. :)

{Day 81 of #100HappyDays} Starting to change a little bit style.

{Day 82 of #100HappyDays} Probably the last time I’m going to see this damned station for a while. Signed, sealed, delivered.

{Day 83 of #100HappyDays} Welcome, my baby! <3

{Day 84 of #100HappyDays} Daddy cooks my favourite pasta evaH.

{Day 85 of #100HappyDays} Teaching my first lesson on Skype.

{Day 86 of #100HappyDays} The best thing of my day. (Sad, but true)

{Day 87 of #100HappyDays} Grey’s Anatomy with Sis. Llllove it.

{Day 88 of #100HappyDays} Little good things in a very bad day.

{Day 89 of #100HappyDays} Nothing cures depression as an unexpected gift. Especially if it’s a nail polish!

{Day 90 of #100HappyDays} Seeing my face in the presentation of a lesson a friend thaught at the university of Verona. She talked about me and my blog! Thanx, Irene!

{Day 91 of #100HappyDays} Yeah, I manage to work even if I’m forced to stay in bed.

{Day 92 of #100HappyDays} Finally, after a month, moving again with no excruciating pain to my back.

{Day 93 of #100HappyDays} Finding these guys on Spotify and turning back thirteen. :’)

{Day 94 of #100HappyDays} Easter with friends. <3

{Day 95 of #100HappyDays} Successfully organizing next week. I can do it.

{Day 96 of #100HappyDays} First day, new life!

{Day 97 of #100HappyDays} New haircut!

{Day 98 of #100HappyDays} Being a beauty blogger is a really hard work. Thanks #Marionnaud!

{Day 99 of #100HappyDays} Sister selfie. <3

{Day 100 of #100HappyDay} Country night!

Per vedere gli altri post:





Grazie per aver seguito con me questa bella iniziativa! ♥